6 research outputs found

    La obesidad: una perspectiva sociocultural

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    Hoy, la obesidad es un importante problema de salud. Es una cuestión compleja, cuyos desencadenantes tienen que ver con factores económicos y culturales. Existe un conflicto de valoresentre la gordura y la delgadez como consecuencia de los cambios producidos en nuestra sociedad. Para analizarlo, una perspectiva comparativa puede proporcionar luz sobre las contradicciones denuestra sociedad y sobre la obesidad.Gaur egun, obesitatea osasun arazo garrantzitsua da. Kontu konplexua da eta horren abiarazleek zerikusia dute ekonomia eta kultura alorreko hainbat faktorerekin. Balio gatazka bat dago gizentasunaren eta argaltasunaren artean, gure gizartean gertaturiko aldaketen ondorioz. Horren azterketari begira, ikuspegi konparatibo batek argi egin dezake gure gizartearen kontraesanei buruz eta obesitateari buruz.L'obésité représente, aujourd'hui, un important problème de santé. C'est une question complexe, déclenchée par des facteurs économiques et culturels. Il existe un conflit de valeurs entre l'embonpoint et la minceur, conséquence des changements produits dans notre société. Pour l'analyser, une perspective comparative peut fournir la lumière sur les contradictions de notre société et sur l'obésité.Nowadays, obesity is an important health problem. It is a complex matter,the triggers of which have to do with economic and cultural factors. There is a conflict of values between being fat and being thin as a consequence of the changes that have taken place in our society. To analyse this, a comparative perspective may spotlight the contradictions of our society in terms of obesity

    Realistic simulation of laser range finder behavior in a smoky environment

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    The Urban Search and Rescue Simulation used for RoboCup lacks realistic response of laser range finders on smoke. In this paper, the behavior of a Hokuyo and Sick laser range finder in a smoky environment is studied. The behavior of the lasers is among others a function of the visibility level, and in this article this function is quantified into an explicit model. This model is implemented in a simulation environment which is the basis of the Virtual Robot competition of the RoboCup Rescue League. The behavior of both real and virtual laser range finders is compared in a number of validation tests. The validation tests show that the behavior of the laser range finders in the simulation is consistent with the real world

    Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Forces: Team description paper: Virtual Robot competition: Rescue Simulation League: RoboCup 2010 and Iran Open

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    With the progress made in active exploration, the robots of the Joint Rescue Forces are capable of making deliberative decisions about the distribution of exploration locations over the team. Experiments have been done which include information exchange between team-members at rendez-vous points. Last year progress has been made with robots with advanced mobility, such as the Kenaf and the AirRobot. Currently our navigation algorithms are extended to be able to autonomously explore with the AirRobots. Robots equipped with both camera and laser-range scanners can learn a visual classifier of free space, which could be used by robots without laser-range scanners to navigate through the environment. Part of our algorithms have been validated on the Nomad Super Scout II robot available in our laboratory